Last updated : February 3, 2009


Boothby Pagnell Parish Meeting

Minutes of Ordinary meeting  held on Wednesday 17th October 2007

Keith Smith, Peter Williams, Pam & Mike Collier,  Ken Exton, Audrey Roberts, Elizabeth Clarke, Pauline Haw, Deirdre Collins, Trevor & Linda Hutchinson, Dawn & Andrew Crawford, Gill Taylor,

Margaret Exton, Liz& Neville Cox, Peter Clarke, Percy & Jenny Hunt, Susan & John Hodson. 

Minutes of previous meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on the 12th December  2006 were approved as a true record.
Proposed- Trevor Hutchinson  Seconded- Mike Collier.

Matters arising

1, Pauline Haw raised the issue of house numbering.

PW again confirmed he had been assured the emergency services had a data base for locating houses in the village.  This being the case it was felt house numbering was not necessary, as was agreed at a previous meeting. It was felt to number would detract from the village ambience.  The majority of those present who expressed a view felt no action should be taken to number houses.  PW suggested that if Pauline Haw felt there was considerable support for her proposal from villages not at the meeting she should perhaps obtain a petition of their names or ask them to attend the next meeting.

2, Deirdre Collins pointed out that her name had been spelt incorrectly for which PW apologised (on behalf of KS).

3, It was agreed that we would be unlikely to request the amenity freighter again as  SKDC will no longer provide this service free of charge.

 4, Contact details for Street lighting problems were requested for circulation.  KS will obtain the details and they will be posted on the web site.

Road signs and traffic update,
PW informed the meeting that the recent road sign additions were welcome but, based on his conversations with Lincolnshire Road Safety partnership, were largely aimed at the motor bikers.  He understood that it was possible to secure the extension of  the 30mph zone but that this was a lengthy legal process.
PW had been told that the “Think Bike” signs would be taken down over Winter and refitted for the Summer in line with the increase of motor bike activity.

PW and KS explained that we had approached the Lincs road safety people to borrow the “30MPH warning unit” but we were unable to do so as it needed insurance cover for both the unit and the operative.  There was a pilot scheme in the county to allow villages to use a radar gun and report speeding motorists to the police, resulting in a warning letter (but no prosecution) but this pilot was only limited and not available to us.

The meeting felt strongly that speeding vehicles in the village continue to be a problem.

Insurance premium
PW again explained that the “parish meeting” appeared to have no assets or employees at risk to warrant insurance.  He asked those present to consider whether insurance was required. After due discussion the meeting voted to continue without insurance.

Proposed-Pam Collier, Seconded-Mike Collier.

Free trees
An application has been made for this year’s allocation of trees from the county council.  The meeting agreed we should apply for the full allocation of 25 small trees each year and then find homes for them retrospectively. They would be available from February 2008. 

PW asked those present to check with neighbours and ask anyone who would like a particular tree to contact him by the end of the year.

Pam And Mike registered their interest.

1) KS  had checked the “Village Bench” and expressed his concern that more than a coat of paint was needed.  Elizabeth Clarke gave details of the history of the bench which was presented to the village as a Millennium memorial.  The meeting felt repair work should be carried out and that the parish meeting should make a donation to cover costs as necessary.  Mike Collier will approach John Hodson to try to get the work done “in house”.

2) SKDC are offering to provide sand and sand bags to aid against potential flooding.
Trevor Hutchinson expressed an interest.  The problem is where we might store loose sand.  PW will contact SKDC to find out more details and see if they will provide a grit bin to contain the sand and the bags to ensure they are available when needed.

3) Damaged street name signs - KS will remind SKDC that the street signs damaged by vandals in January had not yet been replaced:
1, “Main St” against the church wall.
2, “Church Lane“.
3, “Ponton Rd” outside Thomas’
4, “St Andrews View”
5, “ Main St” out side of  Clarke’s’ (they have the sign in their garage).

Meeting finished at 9.10pm.